The overarching goals of the Emergent Intelligence Research for Graduate Excellence in Biological and Bio-Inspired Systems (EmIRGE-Bio) program are to pilot and expand a novel interdisciplinary graduate training paradigm that first trains students in complementary sets of specific disciplinary core competencies, and then places the cohort in a carefully orchestrated set of courses, co-curricular, and research experiences that explicitly train them to:
- Communicate their own knowledge and value expertise in others on diverse teams
- Recognize and analyze emergent behavior in biological and bio-inspired systems
- Design and evaluate intelligent responses that allow such systems to sense, actuate, and learn
The program is embedded within the BioInspired Institute for Living and Material Systems at Syracuse University, which over the past five years has been engaged in a massive faculty cluster hiring initiative and seed funding program to drive forward collaborative research across faculty teams, creating an ideal environment for our team-based research experiences for graduate trainees.

Funded by the National Science Foundation