Our education and training program is built to address the critical need—in industry, government, and academia—for scientists and engineers who have both core disciplinary skills and technical tools, as well as team-building and soft skills that will allow them to make an impact in high-functioning, innovative teams across the workforce. Thus, EmIRGE-Bio participants will join the BioInspired Institute’s Professional Development Program to complement the course-based curriculum and research programs.

The program focuses on development in areas important for career success and skills specific to STEM fields: project management, oral communication and presentation skills, graphic and figure design, data management, research ethics, career and professional preparedness, grant and proposal development, and research and scholarly communications. Additionally, the program includes activities designed to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration across the Institute.

EmIRGE-Bio Fellows and Affiliates are expected to participate in the full Professional Development Program, to include completing an annual individual development plan with their advisor(s), taking the biannual science writing workshop, and completing at least three skill development badges. See the current list on our Accredible site.