Instrument facilities at Syracuse University and our Partners
The research environment on the Syracuse hill is home to numerous talented and dedicated faculty, students, and staff across three research universities. This thriving community is supported by many powerful instrument facilities that are open to academic and industrial users.
BioInspired Institute Materials Research Core (MRC) Facility is located in Bowne Hall (4th Floor), encompassing approximately 15,000 square feet of multiuser space. Featuring administrative space—offices, seminar and conference rooms, and an atrium meeting area—as well as shared research space, the MRC is a cornerstone of the research capabilities of BioInspired Syracuse. The MRC facility is an enabling resource for researchers engaged in a wide spectrum of problems, ranging from fundamental studies of the biochemical and physical processes controlling cell functions to the development of new technologies for biomedical applications. The Syracuse University Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core Facility is a shared resource open to all researchers in the Syracuse area. Flow cytometry in the facility is supported by BD Accuri C6 and C6+ flow cytometers. Cell sorting in the facility is supported by a BD FACSAria II cell sorter. The sorter is contained in a dedicated Baker BioProtect negative pressure biosafety hood. Both instruments are capable of processing samples of up to and including those designated biosafety level II. The Blatt BioImaging Center is a light microscopy core facility that focuses on live cell and enhanced resolution imaging of diverse model organisms ranging from cells to organoids and whole organisms. Located on the 3rd floor in the Biology Department in the Life Sciences Complex (Rooms 357A and 359) the imaging center houses state-of-the art confocal microscopes and high-resolution bright field imaging systems. The resources and services of the Blatt BioImaging Center are open to biomedical scientists (students, staff and faculty) at Syracuse University and external investigators at both academic institutions and commercial enterprises in the Upstate New York area. The Chemistry Department's NMR facility, managed by Dr. Deborah Kerwood, is located in the Center for Science and Technology building, room 0-222. It has three Bruker instruments, an Avance III HD 400 MHz, a Fourier 300 MHz and a DRX-500 MHz. The Avance III HD 400 MHz instrument is equipped with 2 broadband probes, a liquid nitrogen cooled “prodigy” probe and a room temperature broad-banded “smart” probe. The instrument can cover sample temperatures of -150 to 150 °C with the smart probe. Complex experiments are run on a DRX-500 instrument equipped with three simultaneous observe channels and three-axis pulsed field gradients. Liquid probes optimized for proton detection and for metal nuclei are available. The Syracuse University Electron Microprobe Laboratory is a user facility located in the Department of Earth Sciences. The Cameca SXFive electron microprobe can be used to study solid materials such as glasses, minerals, bone, ceramics, metals, etc.—essentially any material that will not evaporate can be imaged and analyzed. The Physics Department's Machine Shop accepts jobs from all over campus. Submit jobs using the form on their website to make a shop request AND call or go to the shop in person to discuss your project. Research Computing at Syracuse University is a collaborative effort between the campus research community and technology groups from across campus. The technology groups include both distributed information technology teams as well as support from Information Technology Services (ITS) which provides research computing infrastructure resources. Available resources include High Throughput Computing (HTC), virtual private cloud (AVHE), virtual private cloud (Crush), and GPU-based computing (SUrge). Analytical and Technical Services at SUNY ESF currently operates three Bruker NMR spectrometers: an AVANCE III HD 800 MHz, an AVANCE III 600 MHz and an AVANCE 300 MHz. All instruments are capable of multi-dimensional NMR experiments and are non-destructive to the sample. The Bruker 800 MHz Spectrometer utilizes an 18.8 Tesla superconducting magnet and has a sample temperature range of -40 to 80 C. The system has a Sample Transport autosampler that allows up to 24 samples to be run unattended. This NMR spectrometer is ultrasensitive and equipped with four channels with gradients and has the capability of analyzing liquid samples. Analytical and Technical Services (ATS) was established at the College in the early 1970s. Its mission is to provide specialized, customer-focused, value-added support services contributing to the ESF missions of instruction, research and public service. Areas of support include instrumental analytical methods, scientific equipment and instrument repair/design/fabrication, and chemical/laboratory apparatus stockroom services. A&TS also maintains the flexibility to develop new services in response to evolving campus needs. The A&TS team is a technologically diverse collection of skilled professionals who provide an array of centralized analytical and support services for the benefit of ESF and its research partners. A&TS has developed an extensive portfolio of chemical analysis methods and capabilities in computer and instrument repair, electronic design and chemical stockroom services to complement the academic activities of the ESF community. Providd services include nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GS/MS), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), instrument and equipment repair and fabrication, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), chemical and laboratory apparatus stockroom,and polymer rheology and mechanical properties. This core facility is a joint enterprise between Upstate Medical University and Leica. It houses, in multiple locations, advanced instrumentation for the latest methods in light microscopy. The relationship with Leica as a designated Leica Center of Excellence, gives Upstate faculty and students access to new technologies, advanced training sessions in the latest methods in light microscopy and demonstrations of technology in development. The Upstate Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Core Facility offers Upstate (and external) researchers cutting edge technology to support research projects involving proteomics or metabolomics applications. Fusion Lumos: The state-of-the-art Orbitrap mass spectrometer series was installed in November 2018. The Fusion Lumos performs highly advanced scan functions for quantitative proteomics studies, as well as diverse fragmentation modes for the analysis of post-translational modifications. Its high scan speed and sensitivity result in significantly greater proteome coverage. Thermo Quantis: A different type of mass spectrometer is more suitable when measuring known molecules in a sample: a triple quadrupole. Ideal for targeted analyses, the Thermo Quantis excels at quantifying small molecules as well as peptides in a range of sample matrices. This instrument features short analyses for a quick turnaround time of customers’ samples. SUNYMAC is a core facility that provides both fee-for-service sample preparation and analysis and free access to several pieces of common use equipment. The Core specializes in genome-wide or targeted high-throughput gene expression, genotyping, and copy number mapping, as well as ChIP-seq, methylation-seq, and single cell sequencing analysis. Our primary technology is Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS). SUNYMAC also maintains instrumentation for sample enrichment (laser microdissection), nucleic acid Q/C analysis (Agilent Bioanalyzer), as well as NGS library construction (Covaris ultrasonicator), and target validation (BioRad real-time qPCR system, and BioPlex/Luminex system).
BioInspired Institute Materials Research Core (MRC) Facility
Syracuse University Flow Core Facility, BioInspired Syracuse
Blatt BioImaging Center, Syracuse Biology
NMR Facility, Syracuse Chemistry
SEM Microprobe, Syracuse Earth Sciences
Machine Shop, Syracuse Physics
High Performance Computing, Syracuse Research Computing
Analytical and Technical Services, SUNY ESF
Upstate/Leica Center Of Excellence For Advanced Light Microscopy, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Core Facility for Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Molecular Analysis Core (SUNYMAC), SUNY Upstate Medical University