To become a user of the Materials Research Core, please follow these steps:
- Register for two required trainings offered by Syracuse University’s Environmental Health and Safety Services, “Initial Lab Safety Training”, and “Biosafety Training”. New researchers can register for these trainings here: EHSS Training Registration. Once these trainings are complete, researchers will qualify for card access to the Bowne Hall labs, and instrumentation trainings can begin.
- Submit the access request form to Dr. Eric Finkelstein. After processing, and pending completion of the EHSS trainings, you will be granted swipe card access to the MRC Facility.
- Request training on individual instruments by submitting this form to Dr. Finkelstein. Dr. Finkelstein will coordinate initial training with him or the superuser-trainer for that instrument.
Instrument Reservations:
To schedule time on Materials Research Core instruments, use our online scheduling and reservation platform here: Online Scheduler