There are multiple ways to benefit from the Institute’s Professional Development Program. You may choose individual workshops to attend, focus on a specific development badge, or commit to complete our full suite of requirements. Read the options below, and for information about current and past events, visit this page.
- Graduate Development Certificate
- Skill Development Badges
- Postdoctoral Associate Development Certificate
- Ad Hoc Professional Development
- Program Resources
Option 1: Graduate Development Certificate
Graduate students in the Institute have the option to complete a co-curricular skill development program that spans 3 to 4 years and results in a certificate. Annually, students fulfill requirements outlined within the program curriculum, such as required trainings and checkpoints, and optional skill development badges, all of which count toward certificate completion.
To opt into the certificate program, students must sign a contract declaring their intent to participate, which must also be signed by their advisor or PI. Additionally, students participating in the certificate program are enrolled in the BioInspired Graduate Student and Postdoc Development course, housed in Blackboard, where completion of professional development activities is tracked.
Option 2: Skill Development Badges
Throughout the year there are opportunities to participate in theme-based event series that take a deeper dive towards developing specific skill sets. Completion of an event series counts towards acquiring a skill development badge. The current list of skill development badges includes:
Research Skills and Scholarly Publishing
The workshops in this badge are focused on the process of turning ideas into polished scholarly outputs successfully shared with the community. This process can seem long and overwhelming to graduate student scholars, so we include workshops along the entire pathway, including Literature Searching, Citation Management, Publication Process, Data Management, Open Access Publishing, and Research Profiles and Metrics.
Career Preparedness Badge
Professionals with advanced degrees in STEM fields possess robust skillsets valuable in many fields and careers. The workshops in this badge are focused on giving trainees the tools needed to translate these skills into successful and satisfying employment, regardless of field or role. Many workshops across campus fit into this category, and example topics include Networking, Resume and CV Preparation, Social Media for Professionals, Interviewing, Individual Development Plans, and Career Exploration sessions.
Graphic Design Badge
The graphical display of information is a critical skill for scientists and engineers. The focus of this workshop series is to give trainees a foundational level of knowledge about basic design concepts and tools, as well as the creation of graphics relevant to scholarly presentation. The sequence includes a series of three workshops giving a thorough introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud software. Two additional workshops focus on the design of Scientific Figures and the preparation and presentation of Research Posters.
Project Management
Project Management is a valuable set of skills for scientists and engineers in the lab or any professional setting. Scientists and engineers routinely use aspects of project management without even realizing it, but these skillsets can be honed and used intentionally to enhance the successful execution of experiments, writing projects, and collaborative efforts. Besides helping you more thoughtfully navigate your current projects at Syracuse, project management is an important, marketable skillset for future employment. Workshops include the Nuts and Bolts of Project Management, Stakeholder Management, and Project Execution.
Research Communication Badge
Communicating research to non-specialists in an asset in many different situations. It can help you engage in interdisciplinary initiatives, expand your professional network and recognition, excel in job interviews, and communicate the significance and implications of your research to the public and to policy makers. A variety of workshops and experiences count toward this sequence, including blog posts, podcasts, infographics, TEDx talks, and others.
Skill development badges and program events are tracked in the BioInspired Graduate Student and Postdoc Development course, housed in Blackboard.
Option 3: Postdoctoral Associate Development Certificate
Postdoctoral associates in the Institute have given the option to complete a co-curricular skill development program that spans 2 to 3 years and results in a certificate. Annually, postdocs fulfill requirements outlined within the program curriculum, such as required trainings and checkpoints, and optional skill development badges, all of which count toward certificate completion.
To opt into the certificate program, postdocs must sign a contract declaring their intent to participate, which must also be signed by their advisor or PI. Additionally, postdocs participating in the certificate program are enrolled in the BioInspired Graduate Student and Postdoc Development course, housed in Blackboard, where completion of professional development activities is tracked.
Option 4: Ad Hoc Professional Development
Any students affiliated with the Institute can participate in professional development events offered through the Institute and elsewhere on the Syracuse University campus. These events are tracked in the BioInspired Graduate Student and Postdoc Development course, housed in Blackboard.
Program Resources
- BioInspired Graduate and Postdoc Development Blackboard Course – This course serves to track certificate requirements, skill development badges, official schedule of events, and additional program resources. Blackboard will also house records of completion towards the certificate program, skill development badges, and any other professional development activities completed by students in the BioInspired Institute.
- BioInspired Graduate and Postdoc Development Program Contract – A contract of intent will be signed by any graduate student and their advisor, who wishes to opt into the Certificate Program. The contract signals the student’s commitment to, and understanding of the program. Download at the top of this page.
- IDP – Students and postdocs complete an IDP annually and maintain it as part of the Certificate Program.
- Badgr Backpack – A free online badging platform where students can sign up, then display the badges they earn in the BioInspired Graduate Student and Postdoc Development Program. Badges from Badgr Backpack can also be set up to display on a LinkedIn account.